Our Services
Cathodic Protection and Corrosion Control Design
Cathodic protection (CP) is a method of corrosion control that can be applied to buried and submerged metallic structures. A properly designed and maintained CP system will take up the remainder resulting in a 100 % efficient CP system and at Mercorry we can provide you the all the CP Services needed:
Detailed tailored designs; Third party CP design review; Consulting; Supervising; on-site CP training and also a routine CP maintenance and inspections services.
Stray Currents Mitigating Design
Mercorry is an expert in analysis and mitigation design for DC Interference, corrosion issues and investigation. Utilizing our over 10 years of industry experience, our staff designs cost-effective solutions to mitigate these issues so that you can be proactive against the threat of stray current corrosion. These services include site audits and recommendations as well as design and implementation of mitigation systems. We are here to guide you through every step of the decision-making process.
Field Construction
At Merccory we have the experience, technology and the resources to help you install and commission your cathodic protection systems. We can implement a third party design or install an in-house solution. We will strive to satisfy your technical requirement.
We install cathodic protection systems on a variety of facilities including industrial piping systems and storage tanks above or under ground.
EPR and LFI Mitigation Design
Mercorry has the know-how to help you mitigate the impact of AC corrosion, interference, LFI (Low-Frequency Induction) issues and EPR (Earth Potential Rise) hazards.
Our designs ensure that hazards and potential risk are identified evaluated and mitigated.
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Surveys
We provide following professional surveys:
Close Inspection Potential Survey (CIPS) to evaluate pipe's level of protection.
Direct Current Voltage Gradient Survey (DCVG) to assess the pipeline coating integrity for buried pipelines.
Continuity Surveys, we specialize in locating discontinuities within an old-hyped sectioned pipelines.
Measurements of Soil Resistivity (4-Pins and Soil Box).
Stray Currents Testing as part of providing a holistic design to the risk of Stray Currents
Induced AC & LFI field Surveys
Click here for a list of the main world standards in the field.